The game you've always wanted, but didn't know it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Island (Platinum Hits) X360
I've not seen such a polarizing game in a long time. For all the reviews it seems people fail to categorically classify it for what it is. A hack and slash with shooter elements. The game has bugs but not as numerous as most would have you believe. Is this game fun? Yes. The zombies aren't a one shot kill affair like Left for Dead, instead you are treated with a "meaty" horde that lend to the credibility of you going through a zombie apocalypse. The story is your standard zombie movie fare. Zombie movies aren't ever academy award winning pieces of art, usually a gore fest with heavy handed pretentious messages (communism, consumerism ect). So any arguments about story is moot when considering the source.

This game one can tell at its inception was probably in the candidacy of mmo-ship, it can be seen from the onset from the repetitive "repeatable quest" to the stat trees. If you played an mmo within the past six years, or diablo you will be right at home with Dead Island. They managed to put somehow get that formula right. It even has the familiar tank/dps/healer structure if you have an objective discernible eye. This is your standard hack-and-slash rpg fan-fare with no hint of sophistication to go above that genre. This is not fallout meets Left for dead. What is odd with left for dead's polish Dead island is good enough for me to prefer it over L4D.

I expect the sequel to be an incredible game. DI has bugs, none of which detract from the game play, the coop is brilliant, the controls are solid. You get a sense of fear when you have to run because killing resilient zombies become tiring. This is the best zombie movie translation available Give it a try, rent it, you will buy it. This is one of the rare cases where peoples opinions do not matter only your own judgement. Happy zombie slaying.