Amazing game.

User Rating: 9 | Dead Island PC
Dead island is a Masterpiece of zombie games. It's kept me playing all day. And half that i was hiding in the corner screaming as an Infected was running towards me. I Would give the game a 9.5, except there are a few flaws, mostly graphical, a few gameplay. My main problem with dead island is how useless people are, As of where i am currently, (Mid jungle) there have been 0 Companions, or any I've found. It's always "Go do this for me while i stand here". second problem being, occasionally when you look at an object, it has horrible quality, and the texture needs too load In-front of my eyes. Other than that, the games VERY fun. I also see a lot of replay value to it, I will most likely be replaying as the gun expert Xian i think her name is. Providing an at moments terrifying experience (For me at least) dead island is a definite buy.