Bland, repetitive to death and uninspired, that's Dead Horde to you.

User Rating: 4 | Dead Horde PC
There's not really much I can say about this game but then again there's not really much this game offers either.It's a bland shooter in an isometric view in which you control a marine, whose chopper apparently crashed in the middle of nowhere and his main task is to just survive wave after wave of incoming zombies.
There's no introduction of any kind so the game leaves it to you to kinda figure out what may have happened.From the moment you press start, you control your marine from an isometric view.
There's only one camera mode.You can't zoom in or zoom out, you can't rotate the camera either.There's not any kind of a minimap or any map whatsoever so you're basicly stumbling blind and don't really know where to go.It's not like this game is some kind of a sandbox filled with multiple ways of reaching the next checkpoint but it still gets confusing.
You have a rifle and a grenade at your disposal.The rifle has an unlimited ammo but the way it works is that you still have 16 rounds in a magazine so you still need to reload it.The thing that was irritating me was that it was quickly running out of ammo and the reloading process was pretty lenghty.Too lenghty when you consider the number of zombies running around and the fact those zombies are faster than you are.
So you basically keep running around, guns blazing, the zombies keep going at you while you keep moving forward.If you get lucky, you'll be able to pick up some med packs along the way and you'll definitely need those.
The graphics are pretty poor even at 1080p and the environment is as boring as it gets.
It's basically like playing a hack & slash game with guns instead of magic and swords, without the loot part and without any kind of story.

This game is not absolutely horrible mind you since it can still bring some mayhem joy to those who are in a mood to play a mindless zombie slasher but there's not anything really in this game that may agitate anyone to stay for long.