Cool in concept but poorly executed, Dead Head Fred is not worth your time or money.

User Rating: 4 | Dead Head Fred PSP
This game sounds original and possibly cool in concept but that's about it. The game is barely below average and although there is some fun to be had overall it's a horrible experience. You play your way through repetitive combat attempting to have fun with the worst controls to date and that's about it. As far as game play goes, there is no fun to be had here. The combat is so slow you can barely do anything without waiting half a minute for your command to be executed. Sure the head swapping feature is original but that doesn't make it any more fun to play. The combat turns into button mashing because most enemies seem to enjoy using melee combat all to often, I played this game for hours on end and only twice did I see them execute a special attack. I also hated how slow and boring some fights could end up, if you where thinking the game play was actually somehow fun you have no idea how wrong. Not only does the games game play suck but so do the graphics, I've played this game about three times through now and almost every single area looks exactly the same. Both the enemies and the environment design are repetitive and Fred doesn't really look that well designed either. The only thing good about it is the voice acting but even that is ruined by the poor background music. They had a golden opportunity with this game's concept but it was poorly executed. If you can look past poor graphics, game play, back ground music, and an overall horrible game -- play Dead Head Fred. If you're like most people and enjoy good games stay as far away as possible, I'll give it a 4 out of 10.