Gamespot, please don't let Jeff Gertsman review good games!

User Rating: 9 | Dead Head Fred PSP
I can't believe the score this site(or more like Gertsman) gave this game. It's probably one of the best games ive played all year on PSP(especially seeing as there are not a hell of a lot to begin with on PSP). The controls are very tight and work better than what I was expecting, the switching of heads is a very cool feature and definatly brings a variety to game play and combat. Voice acting in this game is also done very well, and I really don't think they were trying to make this an edgy game, it's more along the lines of slapstick humor, the cursing is really not that big an issue and I think it was more of a nip pick on the reviewers part. Visually the game looks great on PSP, and holds up very well through out the whole game. As my title reads, please don't let Jeff Gertsman review games, this is the same person who made Warioware the top rated game on the Wii opposed to greats like Zelda TP, Metroid Prime 3 and even Super Paper Mario, and it really wouldn't surprise me one bit if he gives Mario Galaxy an 8.0 when its probably going to be getting near perfect scores by other critics. Sorry about that little rant, i'm no fan boy of Wii(I actually own all the next gen consoles) but to see a review like this one for a game thats actually really good on PSP is just dumb.