Best Browser MMO Ever Made...

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Frontier PC
Dead Frontier is a zombie survival MMO (yes, an actual zombie MMO) developed by Creaky Corpse Ltd., or so the games one-man army creator Neil Yates, known as "AdminPwn", says. The game has too many classes to name them all, but simply put, its amazing how many there are. Soldiers, farmers, doctors, police officers, athletes, boxers, lawyers, teachers, and many more, each with their own specialties.

Classes are split into three groups. These are: Stat-boost classes, which give you stat bonuses when you choose them, service classes, which are people that can sell their services (such as doctors who can heal people or chefs who can cook food) for money, and role-play classes, which give you a 30% exp. gain bonus and some extra money.

The character customization is in a 2D version, allowing you to select from various hair types and colors, along with some skin colors. You start out in a text-based outpost entitled "Nastya's Holdout", with a bank, a market place, and some more areas. There are also various other outposts you can visit with even more danger the farther out they are (But they all function the same). However, the inner city is where the zombie blasting fun begins. The inner city is fully layed out in Unity 3D, and simply put, the map is monstrous. It would take a good 5-6 hours to walk the perimiter of the map. This is just a browser game, remember. Now to the zombies. The models look great, with several male and female as well as a large amount of boss zombie types. When you shoot, stab, slash or bash a zombie some blood spills out onto the ground and there is also the chance of a critical hit, which can sometimes cause a limb to fly off. I even have had a zombie's entire upper-body be beaten to the floor. Usually, zombies will still be alive and attack you even after the loss of a body part (even their head!) which makes it that much awesom(er?).

You can also search a lot of stuff; corpses, cars, dumpsters, supply crates, sacks, even a helicopter, as well as several other things. You have two main status gauges; health and hunger, although you will have three to mark the condition of your armor (If you have any on). To keep your hunger up, you must either buy food from the market or go the zombie outbreak way: search some crap. Whats also realistic is the highly expensive supplies. You'd expect for bandaids and candy during a zombie outbreak to be about 10x as expensive as normal, right? Well if you didn't, be prepared for it. The game has nothing much to do, however. Just kill zombies and search stuff. I know he's (Neil) going to add the missions soon, and I have been a long-time player of the classic, so I'm pretty patient with all this. Just give it a try, you have nothing to lose!

EDIT: It has been quite a long time since this review was written, but yes, Neil has added in missions for all outposts. Also, the game has finally been fully released after three brutal years of open beta. I have edited the score as well : - ).