De Blob is a sweet coloring adventure game you'll get sucked into.

User Rating: 9.5 | de Blob WII
This is a pretty sweet game- I wasn't sure until I took the plunge and got it home- there is a lot of fun to be had with this one, I have played through a few levels and it has been fun and a good use of my gaming time. This one is a real original - I like the concept of painting the town red (or blue, green, orange...etc) and fighting the nasty little ink blots that remind me of Nazis somehow with the uniforms, tanks, and propaganda. It makes you want to slam them with your happy little ink blob of a character.

The beginning is a little slow because of the tutorial stuff, but once you get into it- it is a lot of fun and will keep you busy for a while. I definitely give this a thumbs up and would recommend it to my friends. I can't wait to play one of my friends in the blob party mode which looks like a lot of fun.

All-in-all a cool concept and a fun game.