This is the kind of game the Wii needs more of.

User Rating: 8.5 | de Blob WII
To put it simply, De Blob is the kind of game the Wii needs more of, as it's something that really distinguishes the Wii from other consoles. Before I get into detail, I'd like to say that I'm currently in the 5th area, so this is more of a first impression review.
In De Blob, you roll across the world, touching buildings and structures to splat them with various colors that can be switched by combining various colors from paintbots.You move with the control stick, flick the wiimote to jump, and press Z to target enemies and items. You can also change the camera with the d-pad, brake with B, and go into first person. There's a decent variety of enemies to fight, and although combat isn't the most important aspect of the game, it's a lot of fun.
De Blob doesn't hold up to the lengths of games like Zelda or Metroid, but it still takes time and gives itself justice. De Blob's campaign has ten different locations, each taking around 30 minutes, and over an hour if you're a big completionist like me, as these levels are HUGE. There are also 20 other challenges that can be unlocked, some of which are quite challenging, giving the game a good difficulty for all ages.
De Blob is best known for its single player, but I find multiplayer to be a blast. There are 3 different modes; paint match, where you paint as many buildings as possible and steal other's building, blob race, where you race to paint certain buildings permanently, and blob on the run, where only one blob can paint, and the power can be stolen by attacking the current blob. In all, there are 10 different multiplayer options. I would have enjoyed online though.
De Blob has a unique art style, and you'll have to be the judge of whether you like it or not. Personally, I find them to be some of the Wii's best. De Blob also has beautiful cutscenes that branch the story together. The game has a great soundtrack, as some of the tunes are constantly getting stuck in my head. Not only can you choose the track before each level, but the color you are painting alters the music as well.
Overall, De Blob is one of the wii's most impressive third-party achievements, and although it's not perfect, it's pretty close. 8.5/10!!!