This game isn't for people who like to collect EVERYTHING in videogames........Just DON'T buy it, you can thank me later

User Rating: 3.5 | de Blob WII
Of all games, i bought this one and i really regret it. In fact, i actually refunded it and bought a BETTER GAME instead.......

Because of a lack of direction and story, i found the gameplay to be very boring and lacking any real fun. The basic gameplay is to jump onto buildings and 'paint them' with your body. At first, it seems kinda fun but then realise that theres' another 1000 buildings to paint and you say to yourself: "Why am i doing this?"

The controls are good etc etc etc. however the game is completely lacking an incentive to play due to gameplay. The game is basically one repetitive cycle. You paint building, after building, after building until you mentally die from a lack of interaction.

SO if you're the kind of person like me, who can never ever decide on anything (Example: Weither the Xbox 360 or PS3 is better), then may i please try and deter you away from this lord awful game. There is absolutely no point of the game, therefore no incentive to play. All you do is paint buildings and etc. Now i know that there are some challanges in between the tediousness, however it simply isn't worth the crappy challenges.

If you play games for what they are, or play because of the story, then may i suggest you stay away from this game. Seriously, don't make the mistake of buying this game, and regreting over the fact that you could have bought something else.