Different, but not necessarily good.

User Rating: 6.5 | de Blob IOS
De blob is a good, different game that had the right idea, but its somewhat repetitive, and it gets boring somewhat quickly.

- The color explodes on the screen
- Original
- Nice controls
- Easy to get used to

- Repetitive
- "missions" that other blobs give you are mini versions of what you are already doing
- Gets boring somewhat quickly.

Story: 8/10
The city got all of its color taken out of it. So you have to go back and paint it. Not great, but original

Sound: 6/10
Sound effects are kinda lame, better to just leave them off.

Graphics: 9/10
Nice frame rate, and the graphics are crisp and the color just explodes on the screen.

Difficulty: 6/10
Pretty easy

"Fun" Factor: 5/10
Fun for the first few levels, but gets bland and repetitive really quickly

Should I get it?
I'd say you should pass this one up, unless you are a huge de blob fan, you probably won't enjoy it very much