de Blob paints himself a very good, and ADDICTING game for the Wii!

User Rating: 8 | de Blob WII
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It's time for the de Blob review! For the..wait, not that de Blob, This de Blob! (Link at the top!) :)

It's time for the de Blob review! For the Wii! This is my 25th review! Hooray! And to celebrate, I created that little opening montage of past reviews of mine. I hope you enjoyed it! (Link at the top!) :)

This is one of the most unique games I have ever played. Not as in a bad unique game, but as in a, "Wow, I never expected to have this much fun with such an unusual style!" for a game!

The story is about the INKT Corporation, on how they have invaded Chroma City, and have taken away all the color. They have also captured the Raydians, the inhabitants of the city, and have turned them into Graydians, where all of their color has also been kyped.

The last resistance against them is the Color Underground. It is a small group of Raydians who are trying to free all of the other Raydians, and bring back the color to Chroma City.

Among this group is the Professor, Arty, Biff, and Zip. And helping them is you, de Blob. de Blob is more of a super hero, restoring color to the city and rescuing all of the Raydians.

So that's the story, and I'm SO glad that it only took half a page to tell you about it, coming from Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and The Wind Waker which took around 1 ½ to 2 ½ pages!

To control de Blob, Move with the analog stick in the Nunchuck, swing your Wiimote either up or down to jump, and move the camera freely with the C button, and the directional pad on the Wiimote.

The point of the game is to bring back color to Chroma City, and also free the Raydians from captivity. Now to bring back the color, all you have to do is touch items with de Blob. You can paint just about anything!

From trees, to buildings, park benches, to blimps, there's almost nothing you can't colorize! You can even paint the garbage!
Now the controls and camera work very well, but they aren't perfect. Sometimes you would come across a point where jumping became hard to pull off, and the camera would not be your friend. But for 98% of the game, both these elements were very easy to work with.

The graphics are fantastic! The frame-rate is so smooth! There's absolutely no slow down at all! And it's very fun to look at!
Since it's a game based on colors, you would expect it to be colorful, and that's EXACTLY what you get! Every single pixel in this game is so vibrant and colorful!

de Blob can become seven different colors, red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, and brown. Every time you paint over anything, depending on what color you are, different styles of music will be played!

Each level has an ENORMOUS amount of objects you can paint, meaning that each level will take you a VERY LONG time to complete! You don't have to paint everything though, but doing so will not give you as many points as you could've earned, therefore you won't receive as many medals at the end of the level.

de Blob has Paint Points, which is basically your hit points. They are also used up when you paint over something. If you reach zero paint points though, you will lose a life. But don't worry, it's pretty hard to lose all your Paint Points in this game.

Instead of the item in which you colorized being painted a basic design, it will instead be painted graffiti like! Overtime though, the design will revert to a basic coat of paint. But it's still very fun to look at!

Along with painting everything, you will also have to fight off the Inkies as well. It's not hard at all. Just Z target them, then swing up or down with the Wiimote to squish them.

If you do get hit with black ink though, de Blob will lose his current color, his Paint Points will start to descend, and you will have to find a pool of water to wash it off.

Along with the single player mode, there are a few multiplayer mini-games as well! Seriously, when I say a few, I really do mean, a few, as in three. But you can play each one on three different levels, so in a way, there are nine…but it's really just three.

There are also unlockables you can obtain by completing levels in the game, that include cut scenes, movies, galleries, and awards.

There's also Free Paint mode, where there's no time limit, and no rules. So you can basically paint anything you want, on any level, on your watch.

de Blob is a great game! Good controls, good camera, beautiful graphics, very long levels, and above all, VERY ADDICTING!!!

And, the price dropped down to $20 bucks! As soon as I saw that, I HAD to pick it up! I had rented it before, and I did like it, but not enough to spend $50 bucks on it. But now, it's definitely worth it!
The only downsides that I found were that just every once in a while, the jumping controls could get a bit irritating, and the camera would be a little off.

But overall, this game is so much fun! It's kinda rare to play a game from a 3rd party company, and say it's great! But this is definitely one of them!

If you have OCD, I'm not too sure I should recommend it to you, because you might spend the first 24 hours of gameplay on the first level, trying to paint, EVERYTHING! Trust me, I have a little bit of OCD myself, and I love to try and paint everything!

Oh, what the heck, go for it! You'll have so much fun!

This game gets a 4/5 with the title of Awesome!

0-1.5=Total Crap!