Excellent Ka-50 Simulation

User Rating: 9 | DCS: Black Shark PC
There are Survey Sims and there are Study Sims. For example, Microsoft FSX albeit very detailed and allows you to learn aviation in a profound way, it is a "Survey" simulator. DCS Black Shark is a "Study" simulator. This means unless you already know the Black Shark, it is highly doubtful you will be able to jump in and start flying in real simulation mode. However, Eagle Dynamics provides an accommodating arcade mode, which will allow anyone to take off with the Black Shark and enjoy a military chopper. Nevertheless, you can easily keep adding real features to the arcade mode step by step to make it more real as you strengthen your skills. That's the big picture. Now for the review...I have played this Sim for hundreds of hours and every single time I get into the Ka-50 Black Shark I just absolutley love it. I broke up my learning process into fully understanding the startup procedures, then basic flight procedures, then targeting and using the weapons, then shutdown. I recommend a similar method. The graphics and modeling of the Ka-50 are stellar. The cockpit is stellar just for the fact that EVERYTHING works unlike FSX. The terrain and other outside eye candy are not really the focus but they are very nice as well. This Sim is not a toy. It is an awesome means to learn to fly a military helicopter. And it is absolutely worth every dime in regards to a well crafted simulator. I would have given it a 10 if the training was a little better and the terrain and effects were better.