This sim isn't for everyone but those who dare will find a highly detailed and realistic experience well worth the time.

User Rating: 10 | DCS: Black Shark PC
"This game should come with a free bottle of vodka because you will need it". This quote from a friend sums up how difficult this simulation can be at times. If you're looking for a well-rounded, fun-to-play, immersing experience, then play arcade mode. However, the real meat and potatoes of this title is found in Simulation Mode.

Eagle Dynamics has gone to great lengths to model nearly every button, switch, and dial on this aircraft. The flight model is one of the most detailed and accurate ever found in a flight simulator. It has been said that if someone knows how to fly this simulation then they should have little trouble flying the real thing. The simulation is that realistic and accurate.

Graphics and sound get top scores. This is one of the best-looking and sounding games around. Even with the in-game settings turned down, the game is still beautiful. The sound is such that it will make you feel as if you're actually in the aircraft. Traffic between aircraft, explosions, even the sound of your engines and rotors add to the experience.

There is a detailed, almost dynamic campaign included to offer almost limitless replay value. You can even use the included editor to create your own missions. However, online play is where this title really shines. There are many servers up and running at all ours for people to play on. You can even find a couple of friends and host your own flight.

Overall, this is a well-done title. If you're looking for an arcade-style fly around and blow things up type of game, then DCS: Black Shark does that better than almost any. If you're looking for an in-depth realistic simulation, then this title is a must-have.