Love superheroes? Great, you will surely love this game. If not, do some research and stay cautious.

User Rating: 8 | DC Universe Online PS3
Personally, I love comic books. Which is mainly what drew me to this game. If you have ever wanted to play a very customizable superhero game, this is it. The gameplay reminds me of "Prototype" and "The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction". It plays like an action game, and not an MMO. Sometimes you even forget it is one, only to get ambushed by another hero or villain wanting to trade with you. I have heard a lot of people complain about the fact that it is a more casual MMO. This isn't at all a problem for me, considering I found the general set up of most other MMO's to be complicated and clunky.
This game isn't perfect, even in my eyes. It is frequently glitchy, and at the moment, constant crashes are also a problem. I have been playing for almost a month now, and there is a lot of bugs that remain unfixed.
Other than the the bugs, this game got something right that every other online game I have played got wrong. It's actually fun to play.
Well, that just about sums it up, if your willing to play the standard MMO monthly rate for this game (in which endgame comes rather quickly, but it's still fun afterwards anyway so it doesn't matter).

Sure, okay I can't really be bothered writing anymore hehe. It is a fun game despite it's setbacks. I'm sure it will get there one day, and if your considering getting it, buy it. Every new copy of the game comes with one free month subscription.