The amount of content you get should have you finished by the end of the first free month.

User Rating: 7.5 | DC Universe Online PS3
Let me start by saying, I like this game for being a bold PS3 MMORPG. It is probably one of the best on the PS3, that isn't saying much though. In DCUO, you play as either a villian or hero as you stop Braniac from trying to destroy the world. When you are lifted away to a Braniac cruiser ship. The Exo-Bytes that release super-powers that Future Lex Luthor released into the atmosphere. Allows you to break out. Now here comes the customization. I'll go over what I like about it.

Weapon Variety.
Skin Variety.

Power Limitation
Mentor Limitation

As the beginning cutsence ends, you get to make your character. Beginning with whether hero or villian is what really paves you throught the game. The mentor you also pick has a huge role in it. However, it is depressing to know that you only get to choose 3 mentors. They could've done some things very creative and gotten some of those other important Super Heroes. Preferably The Flash and the Green Lantern as two heroes. And Sinestro and Gorilla Grodd as Villians. But they decided to release the game before they wanted to make more content. After picking those you get to pick a power. Which are the following





Now, 6 powers is a very small amount compared to City of Heroes that had over 20 different powers. Some more prefered ones would be Electricity, and Super-Strength. It seems pretty sad just how much potential the game could be.

Now that I have gotten the negative out of customization. I will talk about some of the good things. I really have to appreciate some of the skins that they did. I loved my villian having a lava skin that is really awesome. Some of them look redicilous (Wolf and Leopard for reals?) but it's better to have them then not too.

Another thing that I really do have to like is the Weapons. While they could've had a couple more. I really gotta like they modernized some of them. Especially props for doing Dual-Pistol and Rifle. They really thought the weapons through on what they thought people would like to play, and it's awesome how they at least got that part of it down.

Part 1- lvls 1-10

Power Trees
Gotham Quests
Super Man/Lex Quests
Leveling up Mechanic

Circe/Wonder-Woman Quests
Repetive Quests
Feels too Compact

Let me start of by saying for the love of god dont pick your mentor as Circe/Wonder-Woman. It is boring and even more repetive than the rest of the quests in the game. You will get bored. Fast. I was ready to quit the game by starting with Circe. Only by my friends recommending the other ones was I able to give this another shot.

So you start of as you breaking from a pod on Braniac's ship. You either speak to Oracle (Hero) or Calculator (Villian). They then guide you through the ship. Once off. You then begin your quests. And i've heard from multiple people crashing is a serious problem with people with especially super-speed. Because the frames can't catch up with you running past terrian. And speaking of movemenet. Acrobatics is a really bland movement. It has no taste to it and it is very streamline, I recommend avoiding it at all times.

After a while (around lvl 7 or 8) that the quests are getting repetive (Go kill X bad guys, Collect X people, Kill the Superhero/Villian enemy of the person you siding with). Seeming like a rinse and repeat scenario with. You can try and make things spiced up. But it is pretty much too compact and main-forward for an MMORPG. Not exactly winning points with that.

This world feels... too small. You have Gotham and Metropolis. That's it. Most of the buildings dont have doors, and you are racing from side to side of the world very quickly. Hate to bring a comparison. But WoW is so expansive it's an entire world. It feels like 2 different countries in side and that's it.

Now some of the goods. I really have to admit I love the Power Trees. They are very in-depth and put together your combos just right to get the good amount of damage when fighting an oppenent. They are really expansive and you wont be able to fit all points into something, so you have to be very decisive on what you try to do.

Now i've gotta say, the Gotham quests are really good. Especially when you start off with going against Scarecrow. At least, for what it's worth, alot better than Circe's and Wonder-Woman's quests. They definetely did a good job with this 1/3rd of the project. I really have to give my props for putting detail into this part of the questing.

Now, Metropolis isn't all bad. I really do like Superman's/Lex Luthor's questline as you progress through the story. Especially Lex's, if you have to pick out of the 2. Lex definetely has more depth in it. It seems that for the most part it seems the Villian was done better in means of questing, and yes I have a lvl 30 with both so i'm not biasit.

The Maps, for what they're worth. Are really good. They are very expansive and give alot of detail. But, again, the world isn't that big. So it's not like they put awhole lot time into that. But you will accept it for what it is and actually admire it.

Part 2- lvls 11-20

Lex Luthor/Super Man Quests
Mr. Freeze Storyline

Gotham quests
Rinse and Repeat

Now, what I said about the Gotham quests, you can only have so much of. Before your like... 'wait, i've done this before, it's the same thing but with a different villian.' this is what happens with harley quinn/robin storyline that takes up the 11-15 lvls in Gotham. You're kind of tired of what has already happened and want something new. Yet, they don't give it to you.

It seems like this not just for the Gotham quests, for even a certain extent all of them. As long as you follow the story it's kill x, free x, defeat the superhero/villian. It is really just that, you do that with Power Girl, Supergirl, John Stewart, Mr. Freeze, Gorilla Grodd, Engtima, Wonder Girl, it is really just that.

Now, I've gotta say, well done on Mr. Freeze's storyline. It really was a good storyline. It takes up 19-21. But it was good I have to give recongition to it. It is long, but you really dont care. You will be flying by the levels. And you will really enjoy his story line, it is defintely difficult. But you will enjoy the moments with it.

Lex Luthor and Superman really keep on going strong with the quests. And it still is good, mostly because it goes faster on terms of quests. You dont have the moments of grind and to be bored like you do with the other mentors quests. Those mentors get a thumbs up from me.

Alerts were a good idea. Probably should've been better executed. But it was a good idea. I really do like the ideas they had for them too. Like HIVE Moon Base and Area 51 are two actually good ones. Gorilla Isle is a pain but at least it's staying the same flavor as the other 2. Even if executed even worse than the other two.

Part 3- Lvls 21-30

A Great Ending
Sinestro/Green Lantern
Voice Acting

Too Short!
Teen Titans Fail
Lack of End Content

Horray! You have beaten the game, and you're like great. That only took a week. That's it. It is WAYYYY to short. You get to 1-30 in a matter of days. And I dont mean like 24-full days, this includes sleep and actually having a life. What they gave you in a month you can honestly be done in two-weeks. But you still are looking forward to the end content right?

You're at lvl 30. And what do you have, heroic alerts and duos. Alright, what else? A quick raid... and? Well, that's it. The Duos are just 2-man remodeled versions. They added a couple of bosses but it is really quick. You will complete all of them in a couple of hours. Grinding up to better gear. Heroic Alerts and additional alerts are a great idea. But the fact is, people don't play the game as much as others. Queues, range up to an hour. Which is rediciolous.

I want to stab whoever put the Teen Titans into the storyline. Burn them alive. Worst idea ever. Every time fricking Beast Boy made a smart alec comment while I was turning him evil just made me face-palmed. Also, they still act childish for what they intend to be actually grown and mature. That whole Brother Blood/Teen Titans questline just was not necessary and very stupid and I wish they really removed that from it completely. Not worth it.

Now I have to say... amazing ending. I don't want to spoil anything. But that ending is one of the best I have seen in an MMORPG. I have played alot, but it was well done. If you come for anything it's for that ending cinematic. it is worth alot of the game. But not awhole lot of redemption. Then I guess. The whole fight sequence and cutscene are amazing.

Bounties were a really cool addition that help you level when you get stuck. Espeically how they cleverly added some of those heroes into it. Some I even forgot were about of DC comics. That was a very smart idea who thought of that. Props to you buddy.

Sinestro/Green Lantern is one of the greatest highlights in this content. I really loved thier story line and it seems like I honestly sided for both truly on both of them. It seems like a different group all together decided to make that. And I have to say props to you.

Duos were a good idea. But again another thing that was executed poorly. It is the same quest as you did before just harder with some more bosses and there you go, that's it. But still have to like the idea of it.

It is rare when you see okay voice acting in a MMORPG. It is really rare when you see good voice acting in an MMORPG. Overall it is a really great mechanic that they added and they did that. All the actors they put on each one 'Except maybe Batman, rather have Christian Bale' Were good. It was a nice touch.

Overall An Issue

Chat, Group invite, Group Interface
One Thing to say



It was a good game, even with my complaintes. Just Buy the game, play the first free month, then get rid of it for the rest of your life. This is how a 7.5 game goes. Play-it out then just go onto something else. Which is exactly what you should do with a game like this.
