LMAO who makes crap like this?

User Rating: 1 | Day One : Garry's Incident PC
It's actually hilarious how bad this game is.. Who granted these people the right to post a game like this as a finished product?

First off its not even a game, it installs the unreal tournament 3 developer kit and just runs the game through that software. The level loading images are just pictures of Unreal Tournament 3 and say things like "insert level description here" while the next level is loading.

If you go to control panel to uninstall this game it's listed as "Type Long game name here"

The graphic options are just resolution and thats it.. Nothing more

Once i loaded the first level i knifed this shaman facepainted dude and he just stood there without defending himself going "ouch" "ouch" everytime i whacked him with the knife. Blood did not even come out.. After he died i knifed his dead body and he still screamed "ouch" "ouch"

I than turned and ran down the steps and was granted by serious serious framerate drop..

I uninstalled seconds later