World War 2 bliss.

User Rating: 8.9 | Day of Defeat PC
Let me just say this before I begin, it is a hell of a lot more fun to play this game with people you know.

Gameplay: All the realism you could want. I feel that its more real than CS is. The way the guns shoot is very realistic, and the physics engine is just beautifully polished. Everything just fits. There isn't much to criticize here.

Graphics: The game is pretty old at this point, so the graphics aren't so great, but they are still pleasant to look at. The gun models are perfect too.

Sound: The sounds are flawless. Everything sounds exactly like it did back in 1942. The sound recording artists did a great job. Everything from the Garand Bell to the sound of a K90 ricochet sounds accurate.

Value: Its very difficult to not be pleased when your money buys you something that you will play for a very very long time. I've played this game a ton in the last year, and enjoyed almost every moment of it. (I hate getting sniped).

Tilt: I tilt it to a 9. It is very realistic and a classic in my book. At this point, you might want to try out DOD: Source, but the old version is still just as fun.