
User Rating: 9.4 | Day of Defeat PC
Reason, what I come too believe is that the not only the game itself is intense it's also the physics of the game. Instead of running and gunning like some other FPS has gone towards just taking a few shots here and their is ok. In this game your forced too use cover and call for back up sort the like and use your fast reflex and timing and speed too dominate your oppenent. Not only that, theirs flags or objectives to capture while your all in the big tug of war at the same time. From a full range of different specification of Charaters, and thier load out. Too Different Maps and all range in Balance. While the Germans, are Invading don't judge too quickly by their weapons. The Kar98 is one of their most unstoppable weapons. This gun will Rip, not only rip but leave you cold and stiff so fear this gun. The only thing going against a person with this gun, Is you hope he misses! Other than that the Allies best weapons seems too be their thompson. Best Assault gun I come too like as an Allie, once your use too that. You can go ahead and use their Garand the back bone of the group, This gun is quick, only thing it lacks is the reload, once you hear that *ping* you know your out and you gotta head for cover or it's your last in that round. Fast and furious all out WAR! Kill or be killed!