This game is very original,a must have for the PSP,very addictive too!!Paly it ;) !!It's worth to play with Daxter hehe

User Rating: 9 | Daxter PSP
This game is one of the best PSP games you can afford it for a low price because it's platinum edition now,and the game is very cool!!If you like'd games from Jak and our beloved little Daxter,now it's the time to play only with him,Daxter itself,and to live absolutely cool adventures and missions that our little Daxter go to do!!You can unlock also mini games,very cool mini games,i don't reme,ber now because i played this game in 2006 or 7 don't remember well,but it made me laugh and it was very addictive to play!!I recommend you if you have a PSP and some money to spent on a classic PSP game,like you see,gamespot has rated the game with 9.0!!So it's enough to you for buying the game isn't??The comands are cool,the graphics too,everything is very good in the game,its worthy to play,and it deserves to be remembered in the future that the game was one of the first games for the PSP and it will be forever remembered as a classic,it really is super ;) !!The PSP shows once again that some games are very powerful and good,so good that can surpass any ps2 game,this is the true proof,you got to play this, very good game believe hehe