What a let down!

User Rating: 3 | Daxter PSP
I thought this game was going to be really good! First time I saw it was when me and my co-worker was on break and he was playing the game. He loves it, but I do not. I bought the game thinking if he said it was awesome then I was going to have fun with the game. What a let down it was! The truth, I got bored quick and stop playing it after the first hotel. I am a type of guy that even if the game is wack I still wanna finish the whole game. But not this time, it just seems like he got to go around killing bugs and collecting stuff. I have not gotten that far cause it do not interest me, but i am pretty sure there is other stuff you do in this game. It just seemed to repeatedly from the super Nintendo and Nintendo games I played when I was young. I am playing more advance games than this stuff game I am writing about. do not get me wrong on the graphics, it is really nice down to the last detailed. That is probably what attracted me to the game in the first place. If you are still curious about this game then rent it before you buy. You never know you might like it! My co-worker did!