Their are al lot of thing to talk about because this game is best in series, best in the world, and well amazing.

User Rating: 10 | Daxter PSP
I bought this game on my birthday and I loved it because the missions are awesome. But the thing about them is that the missions are hard, I love that al lot.This game is awesome in series because well, it is addicting, it is funny, and it is a pretty long game so you can play for a long time. But it is not really the longest game in the world but it is pretty long. And you know how I said that this game is very funny, well I am not joking. This game is crazy funny. So this game has a little entertainment. This game is about, you are a little rodent and you start of as an exterminator then later on when you are in the half of the game you will save your friend jack from these evil prisoners. I don't know about you but I think the story modes are really good. That is why I said entertainment.