Not the best game to start your psp game collection...

User Rating: 6 | Daxter PSP
First I just want to say that I didnt get the Daxter bundle when I bought my psp. I've got the black psp with no games then bought Daxter as my second game.

My first addition to my psp collection was Wipeout Pulse but since wipeout is easy to put down then come back later I bought Daxter since a lot of people says its great.

Technically this game is amazing! Graphics are top notch and there is no hic ups. This is were this game gets most of the my points. Maybe 5.0 just for the way the game looks.

Now the bad stuff, the story is the most pointless one I have seen in a long while. Jak gets kidnapped at the beginning of the game and your mission is to save him. This is WAY overdone! Only difference with the first Mario on NES or the first Prince of Persia is that Jak isnt a princess. Then Daxter completely forgets about Jak to become an exterminator and will make you not care about Jak for the whole game. This will successfully make the end of the game unrewarding. This is very weak!

This game is severely lacking in the fun factor with generic levels and borring mini-games. Actually Daxter made me put down my psp for a month or two before I had the courage to finish this game.

In the end I think there is better games on the PSP then Daxter to play first. Only pick this game up if it is cheap and you are a big fan for platformers.