The Best Platformer on the PSP to date. Who ever owns a PSP must get this game as there's no other such platformer on it

User Rating: 9.5 | Daxter PSP
Ive Been playing Daxter for over 2 years now and i have to say its extremely fun it makes you explore the different parts of haven city which is perfected. The game play and the weapons are awesome. I also like the fact that you can always replay nearly all the missions and the story line has been perfected. The only they could have done was put more weapons on the game which could kill enemy's which were un-kill able such as the fish in the port area. If they improve that in the next game then its definitely going to be a 10/10 Other then that this games just the best. I just cant wait for the next Jak and Daxter game to come out. This game series is just outstanding. 100% recommended for a PSP owner if you don't already have this. I personally think that this is the greatest PSP game released up to date fantastic job by ready at dawn studios.