Square-Enix you are letting me down here. Where are these good games you promised?

User Rating: 5.8 | Seiken Densetsu 4 PS2
Having played the SNES Mana several times,i was really looking forward to this one. Well,this one fits into the same class as Dirge of Cerberus.......complete shock,and not in a good way. Gameplay was a complete let down. I thought this was an RPG,or at least has RPG elements. The game is basically a hack and slash. Now,i apprieciate the Havok system greatly,but when coupled with some floaty controls,it's a disaster. You try throwing a log at an enemy each and every time you want too.It's not happening. Several times i had to keep trying annoying platforming sections cause i would jump when i wanted to,or simply just fell off the platform for no apparent reason. Honestly,i wanted to like this game more than i did. It need more polish with the controls. Graphics and sound are both well done,but the playability blew it for me.