Goods only for the first hour?

User Rating: 5 | Dawn of Magic PC
Good intro, i like the movies. Inside the school, I broke the chair, table, and anything I saw, then the students chasing me and hit me. I death and revive. I click the skill bar and there is a lot of attractive skills icon. This situation i really enjoyable. I like it. Then I go out of the world, the bads come. The monster just like normal online games that i played long time ago. I totally frustrated. The game just like diablo, nothing is new except the skill is different. The golds and items that monsters dropped is hard to pick it up. The level of character also not easies to increase. Playing single player and needed to farm and build in long times, no wonder all player said boring. A place to another place required long times for walking. I would recommend gamer just try the demo set, don't buy the orginal. It is really worthless, but if you first time play RPG games, you can have it.