Darwinia is such an odd title, it gave me the same initial impression that Pikmin did when it came out on the Gamecube..

User Rating: 7.3 | Darwinia PC
It's hard to put a finger on exactly what it is about Darwinia that makes it seem out of place. Not to say that the feeling is necessarily bad, or disruptive to gameplay and other mechanics, just that you should be warned immediately that Darwinia is rather ambitious in nature, and yet somehow reluctant. What I mean is that they tried very hard to keep it original and fun, but it seems like they missed something... perhaps that something is purely cosmetic, but either way the gameplay is still enjoyable. Darwinia puts you into the role of a man who can control the stylized world visually paraphrased into a living ecosystem, with beings existing in cyberspace completely aware of themselves and living lives. This creates an interesting dilemma, because it does indeed create a very unique storyline, but it seriously bombs graphically due to the plot-line. I should point out, however, that the graphics are not poor, they are just far too pretentious in my opinion. That aside, the game let's you take command of various creatures within the virtual world to manipulate at your will, in a constant goal to perpetuate the existence of the Darwinian inhabitants. Truly the gameplay is addictive, but also shy and could have been elaborated upon slightly more. The control/camera angels are spot on, they did a great job of allowing visual manipulation so that the player can view their world from many different angles.
Polished off with some quirky substance, this game would have simply been a smile in a sea of decent games, but the catch is this; It is only 19.95$ right from launch. This is why I bought Darwinia, and this is why I advise all people interested in a gaming change of pace to get a copy of Darwinia and play the hell out of it this holiday season.