don't wanna say anything about the gameplay or the graphics. But the story is the real highlight about it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Darkest of Days PC
AI= don't know. but I think poor. yeah. sometimes the enemy gets tricky. ( doesn't move then suddenly punches you )

Voice Acting = Great voice acting but there was something about mother though. Like Dexter's talk btw. :D

Difficulty = easy ( or maybe very easy for some ) mmmm YEAH make it harder or at least make a difficulty option.

Graphics = they have a reason to lower the graphics though. I think it's because there was so much going on. example : in the cornfield part. you see many allies and enemies shooting each other. ( by many I mean MANY ) and each shot fired is at the exact SAME time ( not you of course. that is, if you want to join em ) each gun fired makes a smoke ( like a small cloud ) and to top it off . Everytime you get hit by ALL of those shots your screen goes red. ( of course you could be dead after that ) but otherwise you won't have a problem with those IF you have a fast PC.

Story = it was great. but I think it was short. still though it's like Halo 2 : " YOU WERE PUMPED TO SEE THE NEXT MISSION. YOU WERE PUMPED TO KILL THE GUYS THAT KILLED A LOT" and then it goes -..... (no not gonna spoil it. play it first)

Weapons = they really did some research. ( or did they ? ) well at least the futuristic weapons were AWESOME especially the sniper level. now THAT was a sniper rifle.

Overall : mmm Not bad but for those not sure. rent it first see if you like it.