If your an FPS fan this game is enjoyable as long as you didn't spend more than $20 on it. Bargain Bin Sweetheart!!!!

User Rating: 6.5 | Darkest of Days X360
This is another under-rated FPS that doesn't knock the critics out but is a cheap and fun shooter with different takes on old standards. I read a few articles rhat complained about the musket levels. These were not the games best levels but they were far from unplayable. The AI has a few problems as well but you'll never be able to stand around and be safe if enemies are in the area. The weapon customization is straight forward with larger clips, lowered recoil , and the like. Maxing out the pistols ammo capicity is fun in the Civil War levels; you can just open up on lines of black powder musket shooting rebels with abandon. Maxing out the rifles turns you into a enemy-shredding powerhouse especially on the last few levels. Speaking of which, the last few levels are just awesome and well worth the wait of the less polished early few. I played through this game on all three difficulties and I never noticed a big difference. The range of rifles is astounding and even at long range it's easy to tell when you've hit your mark. I paid $15 for this game and i was very satisfied with this title. Not every game is Modern Warfare so with that in mind grab this game for a low price and enjoy!