So what if it's only 2 hours long? It takes us back to the golden era of games!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Void Zero DS
"Buried in the archives since the 1980's..."

Yeah, sure. Even though the story is all made up, the game is a great 'retraux' classic. With a great retro feel and even the old school 8-bit music, this turns out to be the one of the best DSiware downloads yet!

The graphics are great, especially for the (supposed) era, with graphics that remind us of classics like Metroid and Castlevania. The grainy backgrounds make the experience heaps better! The sounds are great, with classic 8-bit tracks and sound effects like the blam-blam of the guns exploding against the walls and the of the electric walls.

The game has the has just the right difficulty (if you play it on normal or hard) and can be played over and over just if you're going for the high-score. Even though the game only lasts for about 1-2 hours, what do you expect for a mere $5? But it's worth it for the 500 Nintendo Points.

So if you've got ten bucks just lying around, waiting to be spent, you may as well go and get some Nintendo points, because you'll be better off with Dark Void Zero than the other Dark Void.