Very nicely done is all i have to say.

User Rating: 9 | Dark Sector X360
This game is pretty great it isnt quite as good as gears multiplayer but the single player is much better in my opinion. when i got the game in the mail (i do gamefly :]) i was extremely excited i had been waiting on this title for months. and as soon as i started i was kinda iffy on the first mission (prologue) but i decided to carry on with it and see where it went. and i have to tell you i was pretty impressed! once you get the glaive its just nonstop fun but what i love personally is the AK haha a classic favorite weapon of choice for me :]

but if your into sc-ifi,GoW or anything remotely close then you should like this game.

in my opinion its got top of line graphics one of the best ive ever seen in A game! but there are some flaws...

my only complaints i have with this gamne are that for one they made the A.I. terribly your enemies are just to dumb, they dont react enough they duck and shoot and thats about it, except for a grenade or two...

but overral i think this is a magnificent title

my score