Looks and plays good but...

User Rating: 7 | Dark Sector X360
I don't know why but I really didn't like this game that much. It looks good and controls good but I just didn't have fun playing it. Maybe my hopes were too high, maybe I've come to expect more, but this game just seemed empty. With as much time as it's had to come together there is no reason for it to be like this, the story is lame and predictable. The combat is a rip off of so many other games, most of which did it better. I don't get why people think the glaive is such an awesome weapon. It's just a bladed boomerang. It's not that new or original and doesn't make the game worth playing at all. Despite any lack of glaring problems this game just didn't hold my interest and I ended up just stopping because I got bored and went back to play gears of war because the game rips it off so much it made me want to play it again. Which is a far better game.