I've never been a huge fan of the Might and Magic series, but at least they are solid games. Not so with DMMM.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Dark Messiah of Might and magic is a truly disappointing game. From the clunky controls to the frustratingly simple combat, the core game mechanics are boring, and the presentation is quite shabby to boot.

Graphics- While some of the game's graphics can look pretty good, the overall effects are very uneven. Especially the game's more open areas look absolutely atrocious in comparison to other source games, as low res textures and bad backdrops abound.

Sound- I found the sound design to be generic and not really anything special, although it did the job. The voice acting was pretty bad.

Gameplay- The hack and slash mechanics with magic mixed in work much better in other titles that mix these dynamics, but for some reason Dark Messiah features a terribly frustrating control scheme and nonsensical combat mechanics that often feature your character taking damage full seconds after the enemy blows have been deflected. Button mashing combined with circle strafing led me to the most success when playing this game. In short, the gameplay, enemy, weapon and skill systems are pretty generic and do not provide for a satisfying experience.

In addition to these concerns, the story is very very dull, providing no narrative flow or any kind of imperative to your actions.

Overall, I'd say Dark Messiah is a sad example of low-budget game development gone wrong.