Half and Half

User Rating: 7 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Dark Messiah is a pretty decent game. Some areas shine out quite well while others will leave you frustrated. It's a hack and slash game. Although the it looks some what like Oblivion as others have mentioned, I wouldn't necessarily compare the two. Oblivion was a true RPG, this game is an action game. In my opinion the action is quite satisfying. There are multiple styles of combat including my favorite, melee with double daggers and backstabbing. You could also do swords, staves, bows and magic for those who like spamming spells. The ways to kill goblins and orcs is addictive. There's nothing like kicking someone off the edge of a cliff and watch their body drift until they reach their impending doom.

So to cut to the goods and bads:

-Decent graphics, Source Engine is not the best but definitely not the worst.
-Somewhat decent replay value (multiple endings; however could be improved)
-Death/Killing, overall combat system is okay but could use improvements: I absolutely love sneaking behind goblins/orcs and backstabbing them. The spells are pretty fun to use as well. Can get boring though.
-Xana, my favorite character of the game, hah

-Bugs, lots of them:
-Placing two ropes next to each other and climbing them caused me to get stuck and forced me to reload to my last save.
-Loading times are ridiculous;was able to get a snack from the kitchen and back and it still wasn't complete. The loading sequences ruins the atmosphere of a large world.
-Stupid AI; while cloaking, I've walked in front of an orc in broad daylight and was able to walk to his back to backstab.
-Sometimes my camera would get bugged and my hands would stay behind me unless I turn around, or the camera would be shaky.
-The difficulty seemed to be inconsistent for me, sometimes the same monsters would be ridiculously hard to kill and others a Sunday walk through a park.

-The rope bow seems kind of rigged since you can climb onto an unreachable area and use it to kill all the monsters since it has infinite shots