Don't pay attention to the reviews...this game will grow on you!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements X360 i always wanted play this game but i never really had the chance.
the thing is that i read so many bad reviews about this game that it made me curious to see if it's really that bad!
well, i bought this game quite cheap..something around 10 euros i think.
so i started playing the game and the first thing i noticed was that the graphics look kinda murky, so this is the games biggest problem, sometimes you have trouble seeing through a dark tunnel or something like that.
but after playing the game for a while i really started enjoying the game. the pace of the game is very good! the locations you must visit are quite varied so you never get bored to quikly. you get lots of different swords, shields, staffs, daggers and bows(depending on your class) which is quite fun to collect. you also get different rings and potions and scrolls. the scrolls were not really that usefull. most of the time i was using my sword.
the games story is also quite good. actually, i am wondering why gamespot has smashed this game so bad!
I would say you should definitly give this game a try if you are into fps games and you want to try something different.