Dark Messiah is a lot better than what many reviewers say...

User Rating: 8 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
I bought this game along with Resident Evil 4 in a 'double shot' package for $20. Originally wanting to play Resident Evil 4 but I got addicted to this.

Dark Messiah is actually an awesome game set in a great atmosphere with a great potential to succeed as one of the best RPGs. However because of Ubi's lack of effort in spending more time on this game, it did not succeed as it should.

As it utilizes the 'source' engine, its combat element is very impressive and its graphics is alright however could have been better with more effort from Ubi. But after all we play games mainly for the gameplay right? In which Dark Messiah provides frenetic hack and slash along with cool magic spells which occasionally be used.

I guess its flaws include its extremely unsatisfying ending and weak storyline but it sure deserves way more than 6.7. I must admit I was expecting a long cinematic ending however it only lasted 2 mins. Quite disappointing however the game was only around 6 hours of gameplay though. This is another flaw. Being a so-called RPG game, it's very linear and when you get to the end all your hard work is gone.

The story is not bad however rather predictable which is similar to all games nowadays. Once again it could have been so much better with extra gameplay time. There are 4 alternate endings which gives a great incentive to play again along with its fun gameplay which brings great replayability.

Overall Dark Messiah is one of the best games for its price. If you're looking for a game with great combat elements, Dark Messiah shouldn't disappoint you.