A throughly average game with interesting premise marred by poor execution.

User Rating: 6.7 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Dark Messiah offers an interesting premise -- an FPS action game set in a fantasy world where you can use melee weapons in addition magic and stealth elements. The game starts enough well enough showcasing the graphically prowess of the SOURCE engine and a taste of the melee combat along with the physics elements (for example you can kick your enemies into spiked walls stragitically placed.) However once the novelty wears off, the fighting mechanics along with poor level design makes everything feel mundane. I should rephrase that. Most of the levels are very interesting; it is just the way you go through them fighting the same enemies. However it is not all run and gun *ahem* slash. From time to time, the game does show some exciting game play elements and shows the game could have been, but those moments are few and far in-between.

The story is what you would expect from a FPS but the game does give you optional quests and alternative ending. And I am always swayed by semi-nude demon babes. (You will find out what I mean)

In short, this game is only interesting for the first 60 minutes. There are better FPS games out there.

1.02 patch
Geforce 8800GTX
Athlon X2
3GB of ram