Beautiful environments and magnificent new ways to kill enemies make this game fun.

User Rating: 10 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
Yes the greatest thing in this game is the environments and the gore :P, yes your heart will stop when u hang from a rope over a bottomless abyss, and you will feel oh so good when you push an orc over a 200 meter ledge, or burn him with oil or a fire ball or a fire mine…etc so many ways to kill the enemy, you WILL replay the game 4 or 5 times just to try them out.

This game is (in my opinion) a test drive for the company, they wanted to see how an action fps fantasy rpg would work, and they did a good job, off course the game was linear, and the skills where not that many…etc ok let's move to the holy pro con list


1-New combat system (with some glitches) that makes the game fun.
2-Beautiful interactive environments that will make your jaws drop at times, and make you wonder what's lying in the darkness of that abyss or that.
3-Spells are cool (freeze was awesome)
4-Killing enemies never gets boring
5-Best telekinesis power you will ever see in any game EVER.
6-Using the environment to kill enemies gives loads of replay value to this game.


1-A "good" story that needed more subtlety in the telling, you get to know too much at the start and that is not good.
2-Sometimes the spells or weapons just don't seem to do much damage (like a fire ball not killing an enemy even after 3 hits).
3-The game had a beautiful world but it was linear and there was zero exploration, if this game was as big as oblivion it would have given Beth. a run for their money.
4-The skills were just too few and some were just filler skills so that u could reach the higher tier ones, and some of the high level spells were not that useful or fun (pyro blast, weakness without adrenalin was pretty useless)
5-The game was simply too small, what a joy it would have been if there was more levels, a bigger world, and more skills and rpg elements.

All in all the game was fun I played it several times and I truly enjoyed it, the glitches go away with a patch so it no biggy.

Did not try the multiplayer, I was told it was fun but I'm not a multiplayer kinda player so I can't comment on it.

All I can say is that the game offers a lot of adventure, and a lot of fun, rope climbing, and jumping over pitfalls which is a sorely needed feature in the new fantasy games was the greatest part for me. The game is a great start for something more I hope, and although it is a nice game it just needs/demands so much more to be added to it. Looking forward to the next action rpg for M&M and I hope this time they make a bigger game.

Try this game out and you won't regret it and if u want a mindless press one button like oblivion = win game just don't play games ever, go get a console and buy a car racing game and just stay away from any game that needs any amount of brain power.