Very good game, Good story with a few twists, and game play that makes you think.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dark Messiah of Might and Magic PC
I think this is a really great game. There are a few things that a bad with it however.

Sound/music: It has some okay music and good sounds. Some sounds are going to drive you crazy like with "lightning daggers" but this aspect of the game is a bit lacking.

Gameplay: This is really good. a lot of options to choose from and combat actually makes you think than with some other games. On a bad note character customization could be a little more fulfilling but it works.

Story: Story is unique and interesting. Has some twists but doesn't feel exactly fully thought out. Although if you are like me and love the story in a game you should be pleased.

Graphics: The graphics are really good. May not be "up there" with the high end games of today but they do the game justice.

This game would get a better score but with glitches and bugs up the yin-yang it is hard to do so. If the game was a little more solid and if the developers spent a little more time refining the game play it would definitely earn at least a 9.