Great RPG

User Rating: 9 | Dark Cloud PS2
This game is a very good one for the PS2. Most RPG players should like Dark Cloud. This game also attracts attention from the Sim population due to the need to restore towns in your own fashion which counts for 1.5 of my total score. Also said above the storyline is very well done. It is quite in depth and requires thinking and strategy to complete and adds another 2 of 5 points. Also, except for a few places, the graphics are well put out which allows the gain of 1 point. The music in the game basically goes also with the environment adding another 0.5 of a point. On the down side, this game is unclear in some areas. For example, a man wants to be close to his friends house and gives you the clue , its sometimes a tad tough to figure out exactly what he wants. This is something like what some of the ways people want to live in this game. This drops the score 0.7. Also a downfall is that the thirst meter goes down fast which takes off 0.1 of a point and the fast weapon breakings which take off another 0.2. All together, like said above the average score in 4.0 on the dot. I would recommend buying this game new or second hand. I almost guarentee that you'll like it in either the Adventure way or the Simulation way.