My wife got this game and really likes it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Dancing with the Stars WII
Dancing with the Stars is perhaps the TV show that my wife loves to watch that I hate the most. The game for the Wii is very similar to Guitar Hero. Instead of fret button mashing, you have to move the Wii-mote in a specify way to the music in this game.

My wife loves this game and she plays it a lot. She is for the most part a casual gamer, but tends to play this game a lot.

I tried the game out and the controls work well. It is a game that is easy to get into, but difficult to master. Dancing with the stars does lack depth that good hardcore games provide, but for a party game it is not bad at all.

I recommend this game for people who like to dance. If you don't, you will hate this game. It is actually a pretty decent game for the Wii. If you are looking to get some use out of your Wii and you have a wife or daughter that likes to dance, this game is for you.