Dance Dance Revolution: Just brings back the classic in a whole new level.

User Rating: 8 | Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party WII
Dance Dance Revolution was the original series that brought us this exciting genre to many people and eventually to their home. Konami brings DDR to the Wii in a very good way. However here's the breakdown of what I think.

The Good:
- Great gameplay, really gets you moving
- Good list of songs, more famous songs should be included.
- Gimmicks are great to make it more challenging.
- Workout mode helps you lose weight, if you so choose to use DDR as a exercise utility (highly recommended for couch potatoes)
The Bad:
- 50 songs? That's it? Give us more!
- No online play? WTF?
- The hand motion is mediocre as it only moves left and right.
- Wireless pad please?