Usually when a game series tries something new its a good thing, I can't say the same thing for this game though.

User Rating: 6 | Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party WII
I’ve played DDR throughout my life, well using a controller. I was little back then and for some reason I had something against the dancing mat, I don’t know why but I just did. As I got older I became more comfortable dancing on the actual mat and I ended up buying DDR: Super Nova. (have a review on that) After playing that game I just fell in love with the series all over again. When I saw DDR: Hottest Dance Party for the Nintendo Wii I instantly bought it. Pulling seventy fresh bills out of my wallet I began to wonder if the game was really worth that much money. Was it? Read my review to find out.

(? out of 5) Story: DDR stands for Dance Dance Revolution, not Story Sharing Revolution. (hahaha yeah I know I’m soooooo funny) Anyways DDR: Hottest Dance Party doesn’t really have a story, it does have a single player mode (which isn’t fun at all) but it doesn’t really have a story attached to it. (3.5 out of 5) Gameplay: It’s a DDR games so you do what? DANCE! (When I say dance I mean moving your feet up, down, left, and right according to the commands on screen) But one word of advice fellow gamers, never trust the back of any video game cover. It’s full of lies and crap. On the box it said that I would experience total body interaction when using the Wii remote and nunchuk, bull caca, what a joke. The idea of using the remote and nunchuk felt tacked on and didn’t really make the game more fun, just more annoying. They even added gimmicks onto the gameplay to throw you off but who in the world would want those, I turned mine off. Besides I thought the whole point was to get the highest score not mess up very badly. Workout mode is still there and more game modes such as sync mode have been added but they weren’t that interesting, at least in my opinion. The game supports up to four players so you and your amigos can get your groove on, but the game only comes with one mat which I should mention is STILL NOT WIRELESS! DDR: Hottest Dance Party tried to add some new content to make the game completely different from all the other games in the series but failed to do so, shame, shame, shame. At least you can still get a decent groove on.

(4 out of 5) Graphics: The graphics in the game were actually pretty good. The dancing environments in the game were crazy, colorful, and mesmerizing to watch. Which is good since the character models were the complete opposite, even for a Wii game the character models were downright hideous. I’m not sure whether it was the fact that Konami decided to make more characters appear on screen and make then small size or if the characters in the game got whacked by the UGLY stick. I have no clue. I’d rather have a HOT enlarged dancing girl then a small ugly one any day. ANY DAY!

(2 out of 5) Sound: This should be DDR’s strongest category, but unfortunately this category isn’t for Hottest Dance Party. The song selection, I just didn’t like it for some reason. There was an onslaught of slow songs, and some very terrible ugly ones like 99 Red Balloons. In my opinion Hottest Dance Party has the worst song selection out of all the DDR games in the world, and that is saying something. *SOB* (9.5 out of 15) Overall: DDR: Hottest Dance Party is….. uhhh….. well a DDR game, just barely. With terrible songs and a couple of tacky content pinned to the game I can just say this. Do NOT waste $70 on this piece of monkey crap. Spend it on something else like hmmm I don’t know, some other DDR game OTHER then this one. That’s it I’m done, I can’t take it anymore, I’m gonna go and play a game OTHER then this one.