JUST NEW SONGS! Still is Fun but Nothing really hot about this party!

User Rating: 7 | Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party WII
When you hear : "This game makes you use your feet and hands as well " You go WOW!, First thing you think is, this gotta be DOUBLE the fun, but it is really dissapointing once you find out the game is pretty much the same except for a couple of hand moves once in a while.
The game is still the same, lots of fun! New songs, some really good, some not much, some really boring!
There is a handful of scenarios where some will be not much thouthful and found their way there just to hit a number.
Graphically the game is the same too. There's nothing new added to the series. Its a shame they didnt include something surprising; They should have used the Mii heads on this version and let people get a lot of laughs seeing friends and family dancing in the floor.
True is the game delivers some considerable amount of fun specially if you have never being a hardcore player of the previous games. If you never gave a try to a DDR game before, u may even love this game.