This game is so rich with content and great songs, it almost makes you hate Konami for never bringing it to the States.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dance Dance Revolution 5th Mix PS
Now first of all, lets say I went to a great extent to get this game in the first place and I'm glad I did. At first I couldn't help but complain, with the graphics and colorful effects on the screen that burn holes in your eyes, but after switching some options (which luckily were in English) I turned off the nasty looking dancers and the flashing danger screen and started enjoying 5th mix for what it really has.

The songs on this Mix are incredible. I didn't know a PSone game could hold so many music tracks! 47 songs to be exact. They even have Long Versions of songs for your Final Stage if you're up to it and they will really tire you out. There are about 300 edit versions of song that were sent to Konami via mail by fans that was also put into the game for use in the Arcade or other games I can only suppose, and several other familiar modes that are found in the newer games. Some of which are, Lesson Mode for Beginners (since there isn't a Beginner difficutly to choose from per say), a Gallery Mode, Training Mode and a Diet Mode which later formed into what is known as Workout Mode.

The songs range from Easy, to just plain sickly hard. Yet verterans of the series may find the majority of the songs easy, there are very good songs to choose from. The truth is, it makes me sad these games weren't released outside Japan. I guess its understandable since at the time it wasn't that popular and maybe they were afraid it wouldn't sell? But anyways to summarize my thoughts on its pros and cons, the graphics are really bad and they get in the way. But luckily the majority of the problem can be switched off anyway. The sound is great, the tracks are awesome and the gameplay is as good as its ever been.