User Rating: 1 | Damnation PS3
Where do i start. I would compare it to duke nukem : land of the babes and duke nukem would come out on top! It looks....feels......and plays like a poor ps2 game. You lose frame rate at certain points. The enemies have a AI the size of a goldfish and the whole idea of a steam powered world just does'nt work at all. The weapons feel clunky and lack's any kind of power , jumping was such a big letdown as i thought it might have been the savior of the game, but yet again i was left jolting up the side of the building as i appeared to lose frame rate for no apparent reason.
This is a no go unless you can find it for under £5 and have played every other game the ps3 has to offer.
1/10 and that's being generous.

(duke nukem is a good game but its the only game that remotely feels like damnation)