Hanging from ledges, leaping impossible gaps & shooting bad guys. It's been done much better elsewhere.

User Rating: 3 | Damnation PS3
The game is set in a alternate America where steam power rules and an evil tyrant has a serum which turns his minion's eye green. Our hero is was on the losing side of a recent civil war which left the PSI corporation to rule under the command of a despot called Prescott. Your mission is to stop his evil spread.
To do this you must climb, hang, swing from various ledges to reach almost impossible places all whilst shooting bad guys with your choice of unusual steam powered weapons. Occasionally you get to speed along on a steam power motor cycle or tricycle. You are never alone on your missions as one of your team will come with you, not that this helps much they're not much use in combat and don't help to show the way either.
The concept is sound but the problem lies in the execution. It's all been done much, much better elsewhere. The third person shooter element just isn't very satisfying. The character movements aren't fluid enough but my biggest problem with Damnation is the lack of screen resolution as you climb to what should be dizzying heights. This really detracts from the seance trepidation you should get when making an impossible leap whilst hanging hundreds of feet above a ravine.
The comparison has to be made between Damnation and Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed and Drake Fortune. All of these have similar elements to Damnation but bring them together in a much more cohesive manner. This game was quite a let down.