Military tactics? Simulator? Strategy? Sound like a dream come true?

User Rating: 7.7 | Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics XBOX
Military tactics? Simulator? Strategy? Sound like a dream come true? It’s no secret I love strategy games, it’s also not a secret I enjoy war based strategy games so how could I resist a strait out of Japan war based strategy game? I COULDN’T! it was even a Kemco made game (also a highly unknown series) So I start this game up with high hopes so I went strait into options to see what it had to tinker with… not to shabby in the options area….. Adjustable brightness, gamma, sound, screen position and more! Then I went to tutorial…… ugh……after reading the first part it got longwinded to say the least…… by the 3rd tutorial (tutorial 1 part3) I stopped reading it and just pressing what I knew to press and after almost an hour I got to the last one (tutorial 8) and unlocked the tutorial map in freeplay mode (probably wasn’t worth it) Overall the tutorial was really, REALLY boring. So I moseyed over to mission mode…… the word “meh” comes to mind….. bland mission briefings, strangely long and pointless objectives, pieces on the map look too much alike, camera angles are bad despite the ability to control them the battle anime are a little old school but the game itself is in fact old school feeling the overall graphics are pretty bland as well. All missions must be played to unlock everything! Overall a bland and boring mission mode. (reminded me of advance wars mixed with war 2410) Ok, so after that long boring adventure I decided to make a map in the Map Editor mode after making the US and Japan I don’t think I’ll ever find the will to do that again….. So onto the best part of the game FREEPLAY MODE! Now, I will warn you, If you have no one to play with don’t bother with freeplay mode because the best part of it is playing with up to 3 of your buddies sing the unlocked units and maps from mission mode! Now the basics Gameplay = turn based strategy with military vehicles and troops Sound = in game music is generic Japanese gaming music, sound effects are pretty decent and manage to hold their own Note1: This game definitely gives the vibration a work out! Note2: this game doesn’t take many blocks up so that’s a good thing I guess…. So in conclusion This is a game for turn based strategy fans or military vehicle junkies not much else…… I recommend a rent unless you are sure you want it even at the $19.99 tag