this WOULD'VE been a great game but talk about complex!!! jesus

User Rating: 6.8 | Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics XBOX
this is a turnbased strategy game, a friggin real complex one. this game could've been a LOT better if they made it much more simpler. but no, instead for every lil unit and every lil thing theres initials and symbols you need to remember to plan your moves carefully and just gets real tedious. this game reminds me of advance wars, i loved that game but this is just way too complex. if youo're incredibly smart and can handle this, still, rent it first. the units are well balanced and thers a lot of factors to take in to consider but still...belh. when ur units do get in combat thers just a pic of your unit as it fires and as the defender return fires...boring. teh graphics are very plain and at least sum detailed units or sfx coulda been nice but no, its so plain it makes u feel as if you're playing a dreamcast game. sucks fat ass.... the music in this game is so weird and gets repetitive so quickly that it makes your ears bleed. the weapon effects are all similar and boring as well. this game is pretty long and if you can handle all this information (crazy person) then it should be worthwhile and rewarding. i mean this game is JUST WAY TOO COMPLICTED and totally killed me. this game will appeal to a small audience and a very smaller audience will actually enjoy this game. this is anice attempt, but if it was more flashy and with a better presentation, and dumbed it down a LOT, woulda been much better