Do not buy this game. You will tear yourself apart and the buzzards will come eat your remains.

User Rating: 3.3 | D-Day PC
I am serious here, this game will make you cry.

This game needlessly complicates things, difficult in a sense where you can't get any better, requires too much micro-management, and simply sucks. The graphics and sounds are good, but that's not what makes a good game.

It is a traditional strategy game, but they did a great job making it a strategy game where the player cannot deploy any type of strategy.

I'm sure glad those poor boys at normandy didn't have to worry about micromanaging 20 different classes at once which you can't even FRICKIN SEE!

Save your money and get a much better WWII game like Soldiers: Heroes of World War 2, or their upcoming sequel, Faces of War.