A Game i'll always remember as a favourite...

User Rating: 9.6 | Cybernator SNES
You have to realise first of all when this came out, this was my first taste as a young boy of Sci-Fi elements like Robots and some Manga aspects thrown into it.

The very cool aspect of Cybernator was that i always used to think as a young boy you were just a guy in power armour. Then i realised(probably after looking at the box a little more closely) that the robot you played ISN'T human height.

Its probably about 120ft tall or something stupid like that! In anycase you play an human who powers one.

Cool aspect about this game was the political back drop of the game, and the vagueness of the storyline given to you. You literally felt like a tool between waring Political factions. Especially when you get to the end of the game i mean of course you see the corruptness of the opposing side etc but still you cant help but feel the game's undertones that a bunch of old men use people like you to fight over their petty quarrels.

Graphically this game was very cool, the enviroments range from the moving on ground, fighting amongst industrial enviroments, in a Space Station, on a battle ground, shooting down a rocket and snow enviroments.

I liked the whole the aspect that you were launched from this massive white mother ship thing. Since the missions are relentless and theres no rest between them, by the end of the game you see the mothership crash landing to launch you off and its all damaged from past battles you have played through whihc i thought was a very nice touch to it.

The Laser weaopn effects in this game are very cool too, most of the beams look dead threatening and getting one yourselve is very satisfying to blow people up with.

Its also an insanely difficult game, especially the latter half of the game when you'll constantly die.

Good graphics, storyline, amazing bosses and battlefields, Cybernator was probably the most underappreciated game since so many elements are over-looked in this game.

In anycase i'm privalaged to have this game and still have the box.